Part 6: Colonotopia

27.03.2025 – 27.07.2025

Dekker Gerrit Stedelijk Lege ruimte Museum Binnen en buiten het kader Dekker Gerrit Stedelijk Lege ruimte Museum Binnen en buiten het kader
A closed gallery in the Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam as part of Binnen en buiten het kader (1970). Image taken from Gerrit Dekker/Sheets, Foundation Chandigarh (1988).

Om acht uur?
Dan word ik wakker.

gerlach en koop (2024—)

gerlach en koop exhibit works by Steve Van den Bosch, Annaïk Lou Pitteloud, Shimabuku, Ismaïl Bahri, Gabriel Kuri, Hendl H Mirra, Mark Geffriaud, Ian Kiaer and Jacqueline Mesmaeker.

For the exhibition Binnen en buiten het kader at the Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam in 1970, Gerrit Dekker closed a gallery by closing two doors. There is a photograph documenting the empty room from the inside, taken at a very low vantage point. This is what you would have seen if you were lying on the floor and looked to the side. For Dekker, spending time in exhibition spaces was important. In a sense, his installations—though that term was not yet in use then—are the result of performances without an audience.

Dawn breaks the surface. The eight hours of Om zeven uur? Slapen. have separated everything in before and after. And now gerlach en koop continue and end their restaging of Was machen Sie um zwei? Ich schlafe. from 2020. For this last gathering gerlach en koop will display all works that correspond to the reintegration and melancholy of waking up. A true gathering therefore.

The exhibition can be visited from 27 March but the official opening will be on Friday 25 April.