Summer Residents 2024
Andrea Celeste La Forgia & Max Fletcher, Linus Bonduelle, Nadine Ghandour & Gweni Llwyd, Thais Akina & Ramón Jiménez Cárdenas and Valerio Conti

01.07.2024 – 31.08.2024

Congratulations to Andrea Celeste La Forgia & Max Fletcher, Linus Bonduelle, Nadine Ghandour & Gweni Llwyd, Thais Akina & Ramón Jiménez Cárdenas and Valerio Conti for being selected for the 2024 Summer Residency at Rib. A big thank you to CBK Rotterdam for helping us support multiple proposals, enabling reciprocation around shared questions and to modestly reduce the effects of competition inherent in open calls.

We are very happy to see that the residents’ proposals are spinning The Last Terminal in such different and exciting directions. The residency covers the months of July and August and is concluded with a final event organized by the residents in early September.

A Recap of the Summer Resident's Activities

While on the residency, Nadine Ghandour and Gweni Llwyd have been creating narratives in response to weather forecasting and the geopolitics of weather. They have been using Rib as a studio space to develop and experiment with text, drawings, moving image, and performance works. With thanks to generous support from Wales Arts International.

Nadine Ghandour and Gweni Llwyd, Untitled, 2024.

Linus Bonduelle sent us this small contribution about the residency:

There is not a single workable desk in the building:
The one in the front is too narrow, the one in the back is too high.
The one upstairs is too dark and the ceiling's too low.
The one outside is too loud and shat on by pigeons.
Despite these poor working conditions, we are making progress.

Andrea Celeste La Forgia and Max Fletcher have been using the residency to focus on children’s literature. Dino Buzzati’s The Bears’ Famous Invasion of Sicily (1945) has been very important for their research. It is a book that challenges the norms of children’s literature through its text/image relations and experimental use of language. Buzzati’s text lent its name to the event in late July, centred around the use of experimental and non-didactic language.

Event Event
Thomas Niewinski, Andrea Celeste La Forgia, Max Fletcher and Kate Rebecca performing during the event The Bears Famous Invasion of Sicily, July 2024.

During their residency, Thais Akina and Ramón Jiménez Cárdenas have been testing the acoustics in the crawlspace of Rib. Experimenting with wind, and the lungs to create vibrations and condensations. As part of the event How Bad is it and How Long will it Last they will hold a short 15 minute experimental recording session / sonorous fiction playing with the spatial characteristics and elements of this unseen maintenance space.

Valerio Conti is currently exploring two aspects of the voice. Utilizing the Rib echoes, he is incorporating household appliances to search for inter-human intimacies and sonically pornographic processes. At the same time, he is working in the space parasating with some baroque interventions, unconsciously tapping into distant and forgotten pornographies.

Valerio Conti Valerio Conti
Valerio Conti performing during the event The Bears Famous Invasion of Sicily, July 2024.

Some of the residents have been recording podcasts, which you can find on Rib's Soundcloud.

Rib Summer Residency Podcast, Episode 1, August 2024
Rib Summer Residency Podcast, Episode 2, August 2024