Rib’s Library
2021 – ongoing
Rib’s library is open and accessible to the public during opening hours and by appointment. Inspired by conversations with artists and contributors, the library first set roots amongst the artworks and architecture of The Last Terminal: Reflections on the Coming Apocalypse, which began in 2021. The ever-expanding library acknowledges a flow of references, theory, critique and arguments around what takes place in and outside of Rib. But this discourse also makes visible a communality via the overlaps and convergences that start to be visible amongst the carefully selected titles.
Recent acquisitions were recommended by artists or have come as footnotes to personal conversations: Amerika by Franza Kafka; Born Under Saturn by Margot and Rudolf Wittkower; American Originality: Essays on Poetry by Louise Glück; A Dynastic History of Iran: From the Qajars to the Pahlavis by Mehran Kamrava; Life at the Court of the Early Qajar Sha by author Soltan Ahmad Mirza Azod al-Dowleh and editor Manoutchehr M. Eskandari-Qajar.